We both got on the train at Lewes I think. You were with someone else. We shared some nice glances, and then you moved to my set of seats when the train filled up at Gatwick. We shared a few more cheeky smiles before you got off…
I was at the hotel and was about to leave and well in the elevator a girl I think told me in English where the party is because of how I was dressed since I looked elegant and I said in my room fr because I have to organize my…
I sat next to you around 2am on Mar 16th after a concert gig. Bus was heading to liverpool. Cute short black hair, shorter than me, upper lip dermal, kuromi patches on bag, cat meme keychain, baggy pants and black shirt and big…
We met briefly in line today at Starbucks. You were picking up an order for yourself, daughter and granddaughter (no cake pop). You seemed very nice, and I'd enjoy getting to know you. Hope we bump into each other again.
I saw you there, not sure if you’re gay or not but you’ve been very nice to me. I was looking for a specific pyjama and you tried to find it for me. You’re tall, nice biceps, handsome, got glasses and an ear hoop. After I…
You sat at the table in front of me by the window at Starbucks. You were reading. Nodded at you when I was leaving. For some reason I returned to say hi, but you were gone. I’ve never been that brave. I was nervous at first and…
I am the tall guy in white shirt on the weekend of 8th March. Saw you, the tall girl in a black outfit with your family having a fun time on the table next to me and dancing on the floor later. We kinda waved to each other but did…
We were both on the X43 today. He had crutches, a cammo backpack and short-ish, dark brown hair. We got off at the same stop (Rose & Crown.) I had big, fluffy and curly hair and wore a blue rain coat. I thought he was cute, and I…
We met on Sunday, 2/23 while you were with your son in the spa/pool at the Hilton Scottsdale Cavasson. You were traveling on business from Canada. You stated you were hoping to purchase a home in Scottsdale, and that you return…
I saw you at the front door of the restaurant when we looked at each other and smiled. Then, an hour later, you entered the restaurant and asked if I was in a relationship. Since I was there with my brother, who didn’t know…
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